Thursday, February 20, 2025

Kitten With Paws Frozen To Trailer Adopted By Man Who Rescued Her

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At 5-weeks-old, Berry the kitten should have been warm and safe at her mom’s side, worrying only about growing big and strong with her brothers and sisters. Sadly though, the fluffy tabby kitten found herself alone in the world and caught in big trouble.

On a bitter October morning of only 7 degrees, Michael Bud heard a tiny cry come from beneath a semi-tractor trailer outside a tire shop in Commerce City, CO. When he investigated, Michael “discovered a kitten hanging off the side of one of the tires, her paws and tail frozen to the metal surface, trapping her in place,” according to the Dumb Friends League of Colorado.

He had no idea how long the kitten had been there, but he couldn’t leave her frozen in place. Doing so would mean certain death for the little one.


Familiar with the perils of icy, cold weather, Michael didn’t try to pull Berry free, knowing to do so would have caused her far more pain and could have potentially caused grievous wounds as her tender feet were iced to the metal.

“Without hesitation, the gentleman climbed under the semi-trailer and gently warmed the kitten’s paws and tail by splashing warm water on the areas stuck to the tire.”

Icy Cold to Warm and Fed

Michael worked carefully as not to drench Berry with water in the freezing cold temperatures. After 20 minutes, the fluffy baby was free and warming up in his arms. Michael brought her to the Dumb Friends League for help, “where she received a veterinary exam, nutritious food, and warm shelter.”


A medical team diagnosed Berry with frostbite. She was given medicine to help the pain and swelling in her paws, but “against all odds,” she was overall a healthy kitten. The best thing for Berry would be some time spent in the care of a foster family trained in helping kittens grow big and strong.

But Berry’s hero kept an eye on his little damsel in distress from afar, adopting her as soon as she was ready to leave foster care!


Forever Family and A Furry Sibling

Once adopted and home with her new family, Berry found a best friend in Cheddar, the Bud family’s older cat. Cheddar was pretty much smitten with the kitten upon first sight.


Together, they enjoy window watching and napping. And sweet Berry will never have to worry about being cold and alone ever again!

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Feature Image: @cbsdenver/Instagram

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