Thursday, February 20, 2025

Raphael Vavasseur Cat Paintings

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Raphaël Vavasseur’s unique cat paintings captured my attention on Facebook several years ago, and I had the good fortune to be able to interview him in 2014. He vanished from social media for a few years, but he’s back, and his beautiful paintings are now available on Etsy as affordable prints.

Raphaël Vavasseur spent the first 25 years of his life in Paris, France, where he also went to graphic design and art school. He eventually interrupted his studies and focused on creating and becoming self-taught in both computer graphics and painting. Feeling a need for nature and more space, he moved to the countryside of Normandy. The tranquility and fresh air of this bucolic region of France promote his creativity. “I use the internet to disseminate my work,” says Raphaël. “I try to create affordable original art. This is very important to me because I come from a poor family. I want my art to be available to everyone; it is not elitist.”

Click here to read my 2014 interview with the artist.


I’ve always been particularly drawn to his cloud paintings.


The sweetness of this painting so clearly shows his love for cats, doesn’t it?


The emotion expressed in this painting takes my breath away.


And yet more proof that he truly knows and understands cats – this painting is aptly titled “Sleepless Night.”

Please visit Raphael’s Etsy shop to view more gorgeous paintings and to purchase.

*FTC Disclosure: The Conscious Cat is a participant in Etsy’s affiliate program. This means that if you decide to purchase through any of our links, we get a small commission. We only spread the word about products and services we’ve either used or would use ourselves.

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