Als Marina Möbius aus VS-Schwenningen das erste Mal nach Sri Lanka kam, war sie geschockt. Denn das Paradies unter Palmen mag für den Menschen das perfekte Urlaubsziel sein, doch für die Hunde ist es die Hölle auf Erden. Als Hundeliebhaberin konnte und wollte sie ihre Augen vor dem Elend nicht verschließen und begann zu helfen. So entstand 2007 die Dog Care Clinic.
When Marina Möbius came to Sri Lanka for the first time, she was shocked. Paradise under palm trees may be the perfect holiday destination for humans but for dogs it is hell on earth. As a dog lover, she could not and would not close her eyes to the misery and began to help. This is how the Dog Care Clinic was founded in 2007.
Marina Möbius – entrepreneur and animal welfare activist.
Dog Care Clinic was founded in 2007.
Suffering animals are taken care of on 365 days of the year.
Around 300 dogs live on the clinic compound, many of which are disabled.
At DCC, they can live a life in dignity.
Marina cares for street dogs.
Since 2007, moer than 73,000 animals were neutered, more than 570,000 vaccinations conducted, 450,000 treatments completed. All this is free of charge for poor dog owners.
300 dogs are taken care of via the daily feeding tour – even in heavy rain.
It is of greates important to Marina to stay in close contact with the local communities. She helps animals AND people.
DCC places dogs with elder poor citizens who receive a monthly pension in return. All dogs are visited regularly.
Marina Möbius has dedicated her life to animal welfare.
Despite all difficulties the cliic continues operation during the pandemic.
Most of administration is handled by Marina to make sure every donated Euro reaches the dogs.
Marina covers about 70 % of all needed funds. It is a mammoth task because 50 members of staff keep the clinic running on every single day of the year.
DCC is the heart and soul of Marina but she needs your help!
Music: & Jason Shaw