Friday, July 26, 2024

Exotic Birds Get Help In Ukraine Crisis

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image courtesy of Aleksandra Kornelia Maj

Millions have been displaced by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. As people flee their homes, some of them must bring along extra passengers that they love and care for. Those extra passengers include many pets like dogs, cats, and exotic birds. This disruption in a calm daily existence has upset many of those pets’ finely tuned comfort zone. As many cross borders to safety zones, the question remains on how to help the creatures that are brought along.

Aleksandra Kornelia Maj is a Poland-based veterinarian who has gone to great lengths to help evacuees of the Ukraine region who are entering Poland and who have pet parrots. With the array of discord, it becomes difficult to properly care for birds. Help is needed. And Aleksandra has stepped up to the plate with the extraordinary offer of assistance. On her Instagram page, she has provided important information for people arriving with parrots.

Helping Birds Displaced by War

image courtesy of Aleksandra Kornelia Maj

The Department of Customs of the Ministry of Finance has developed a plan for those with birds, especially those that meet Endangered Species criteria. The request is to bring the bird(s) to the Customs and Tax Services to shorten the procedures for importation. After this is completed, Alexsandra has warmly offered a continuance of help with free veterinary care to refugee birds. Remote help and advice are also offered for those unable to get to her or to an otherwise useable facility for care. Temporary rehoming has been offered to help protect parrots that might become otherwise abandoned. It is this for which we are grateful for her unending kindness that is focused on exotic birds. Most importantly, no bird is turned away even if no papers are available.

Aleksandra has long supported the use of Lafeber Nutri-Berries for birds She asks donors to contribute them as a means of supporting the birds with food as she helps Ukrainians with birds. One agency (Fundacja Epicrates) is found here at this Facebook link. It is necessary to add to the donation “For Birds From Ukraine”.

image courtesy of Aleksandra Kornelia Maj

Others professional agencies have also been helpful. Veterinarian services across countries have offered help for any kind of pet misplaced by the invasion. On news service tells of two police officers who hurriedly rushed in to rescue two distraught parrots in a destroyed block of Kyiv.

This is not an easy journey for anyone, including pets who do not understand the excitement. To have people like Aleksandra Kornelia Maj step in to help is to have a miracle of assistance when it is most needed. Her Instagram page can be followed here.

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