Wednesday, March 26, 2025

PET CLINIC ROUTINE! Doctor Adley and Dad take care of moms new unicorn with Rainglow Unicorn Vet Set

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WELCOME TO ADLEYS PET CLINIC! another fun video in partnership with Moose Toys!!


HEY EVERYBODY!! We want to show you our new Rainglow Unicorn Vet Set!! My family really loves this toy so we wanted to pretend and be vets!! My dad and I opened up our pet clinic and got all of our tools ready for business!! Mom then came in saying she has a pet unicorn named Rainglow that hasn’t been feeling so good and wanted us to look at it!! After examining Rainglow we saw that she had an upset stomach and a hurt leg!! We used all of our special tools and helped the unicorn feel better!! We could tell we did a good job because it’s horn turned blue and it was smiling at us!! Again thanks Moose Toys for the really fun time!! #ad #Rainglow #LittleLive

my last video -HaLLoWeEn pOtiONs 2 – Adley makes Spooky Experiments with MAGIC ROCKS and witch parents!! (mystery)

my dad’s last video -DAD vs KiDS all day!! my new Mr Mom Routine with Adley and Niko (fun family mix up)

Bye vlog

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