Friday, October 18, 2024

Why Do Cats Tilt Their Heads?

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Cats amaze and entertain us with their endless purrfect antics. For many of us, there is never a dull moment in our lives once we welcome a cat into our home. Through careful observation, we attempt to decipher what is going on inside the minds of our feline friends. At times, their behaviors can be easy to decipher, but then there are times when our cats’ will do things and we start to wonder why it is they are doing what they’re doing.

Cat owners are notorious for having conversations with their cats, and it’s a good thing because it’s beneficial to our cats’ well-being to talk to them daily. When talking to your cat, you may have noticed them tilting their head. Cats tilt their heads when you talk to them for a few reasons, and it’s not just for looking cute! Keep reading to discover why cats tilt their heads when you talk to them.

Cats tilt their heads when you talk to them to observe your body language better

Your cat is your master micromanager. They want to keep tabs on you at all times, and due to their opportunistic nature and love of treats, they will often carefully decode what you’re saying to them in hopes that food might come from the words coming out of your mouth.

Your cat is clever. There’s no doubt about that. Your cat knows that they are cute and they know just how to work the room, too. That cute head tilt is often no mistake, and they know when they put the charm on thick, you will be smitten with them and give them just what they want—attention or treats!

Cats will tilt their heads to get a better listen of something which has captivated their attention

Your cat’s hearing is by far their best sense. They can hear things about three times better than you can. To get technical, as humans, we can hear frequencies up to 20,000 Hz, which declines as we age. Our cats, however, can hear sounds up to 64,000 Hz. When something grabs your cat’s interest, they’ll likely tilt their heads to get a better listen—while looking very cute.

According to PetMD, Cats will tilt their heads to one side when they are closely studying something or listening for movement. Cats can accurately judge distance when they bring one ear closer to a sound. Tilting their head can help, because their brains triangulate distance based on when a sound signal hits each ear independently.”

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Your cat tilts their head to get a better listen occurs because your cat’s hearing is working diligently to pinpoint the source of a sound that’s grabbed their attention. And since their hearing is far superior to yours, you might not even be able to hear the sound that has entranced them!

why do cats tilt their heads?

Cats can also tilt their heads when they see you—or simply to get your undivided attention

Your cat wants what they want exactly when they want it. When you walk in the door from a long day, your cat is typically excited to see you since they missed you in your absence. You might have had a long day, or have things you need to take care of, but your cat has been patiently waiting for you to return home to them. This is exactly why your cat will hit you with an oh-so-cute head tilt when they see you because they’re hoping to capture your undivided attention.

Is your cat tilting their head and scratching their ears? This could mean something entirely different

Cats are susceptible to ear infections. Bathing their body isn’t a problem, but a cat owner must help their kitty clean their ears and teeth as cats cannot do these things themselves. If a cat is dealing with an ear issue, head tilting can come as a result. The infection can cause them to feel off-balance, hence the need to tilt their heads to accommodate. Ear infections are no fun for humans—and especially not for cats who can’t tell us what’s the matter. Helping your cat to keep their ears clean and healthy doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are some expert tips to ensure your kitty’s ears always look their best.

In addition to inner ear infections, growths or polyps inside of your cat’s ear can also lead to noticeable head tilting. If you suspect that your cat’s head tilting is more than just something cutesy, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

According to Rivers Landing Animal Clinic, “A common cause of head tilting in cats are disorders of the vestibular system, a sensory system located in the inner ear which provides information needed to hold the body in an upright position and move about confidently. In essence, the vestibular system “tells the body where it is in relation to earth— whether it is upright, up-side-down, moving, being still, etc.”
As our cats reach their golden years, their hearing can decline significantly. Cat deafness is more common than you might think, but there are clear signs you can watch for as your cat ages. Learn what they are here on

signs your cat is going deaf

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