Friday, September 20, 2024

What Your Cat’s Sleeping Position Means

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From belly up to sprawled out, what your cat’s sleeping position says about their mood and comfort level.

By: Modern Cat


Illustrations by Michelle Simpson

1. Bread Loaf

In loaf position (sitting upright with paws tucked under body), your cat is resting and fairly comfortable with their surroundings, but likely not in a deep sleep as they are ready to spring into action at any moment.

2. Curled Up

Cats who sleep curled up like the extra warmth and protection.

3. Sprawled Out

These cats are comfortable, content, and relaxed. They feel unthreatened and love their home.

4. Hiding Face

Cats who sleep with their face covered are very comfortable and are in such a deep sleep that they are covering their face unconsciously.

5. Belly-Up

Cats who sleep with their stomach exposed feel safe and implicitly trust their owners as they are willing to be vulnerable.

6. Half-Open Eyes

Cats often sleep with half-open eyes and moving ears to stay on alert—both for possible threats and potential prey.

This article originally appeared in the award-winning Modern Cat magazine. Subscribe today!

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