Friday, October 18, 2024

Thanks To You, This Stressed Cat Found Peace, Love, and A Full Belly

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Stress is tough. And that’s not just true for humans. Cats feel the chaos of stress, too. And for a kitty who has experienced trauma and suddenly finds themselves in a shelter with so many other animals, it can feel devastating. Ask Laszlo. He’ll tell you how his nerves were shot until he found the quiet of the food pantry at Gateway Pet Guardians and the yummy food inside his new refuge!

And guess what, cat lover. You’re the reason Laszlo found peace, quiet, and a full tummy! All because you shop with purrpose! When you shop with iHeartCats, every single purchase funds donations for felines in need. Whether you purchase a cute cat shirt for yourself or supplements for your cat, that cart full of goodies gives compassion. Through our partnership with Greater Good Charities, we ensure shelter cats receive food and other necessities while waiting for their forever homes.

The Goods Can Help With Stress

To date, the GOODS Program has delivered over 578 million meals to shelters and rescues nationwide. That’s more than 6,000 truckloads delivered to hungry animals! And when Laszlo saw those sacks of food stacked high in the food pantry at Gateway Pet Guardians, life started looking up for the nervous kitty.

“Laszlo was dumped out of a car and brought to our shelter by a kind woman,” Gateway Pet Guardians shared. “He was a ball of stress at the shelter and really struggled with all the stimulation at the shelter. We opted to house Laszlo in our Pet Food Pantry room so he had more space and a quieter environment.”

Having this quiet space to call his own and a food bowl that belonged only to him gave Laszlo time to decompress. Once calm and full, Laszlo soon charmed Mandi, Gateway’s Customer Service Coordinator. And before long, Laszlo was forever home with Mandi and her husband.

“He now has 3 other cat siblings and 2 dog siblings and is truly living his best life. His dad even built Laszlo a climbing wall in the basement so he can climb as much as he wants!”

Laszlo’s tale of rescue magic is another example of the good we can do for needy kitties when we all work together. Thanks to the food donations you fund and GOODS delivers, more cats are finding help and love.

“The GOODS Program has allowed us to increase the number of pets that we are able to take in. In addition, the GOODS Program has allowed us to provide more free food through our Pet Food Pantry, and this helps people keep their pets when they fall on hard times.”

So, keep shopping and keep doing good for felines in need!

The following products provide quality food for shelters and rescues, helping them reserve more of their precious funds for medical expenses, supplies, and spreading the word about their adoptable pups and kitties.

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