Friday, October 25, 2024

Purr-fectly renovated: Juliet’s generosity shines in cat prep room

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In the heart of the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society’s unwavering support network stands Juliet Milsome, a compassionate individual whose commitment to animal welfare has spanned over three decades. From her early days in England to settling in Ontario, Juliet’s life has been intertwined with the companionship of animals.  

“I have always had pets since I was a child on the farm in England,” says Juliet. “I immigrated to Canada from England to settle in Kingston in 1969.” 

Juliet’s journey as a donor with the Ontario SPCA started in 1991, shortly after she and her husband adopted their first cat while residing in Canada. Currently, Juliet shares her home with a cherished grey cat named Smokey. 

Over the years, Juliet’s support has remained steadfast, fueled by the Ontario SPCA’s informative newsletters that once filled her mailbox with heartwarming stories and updates. Now, through email, Juliet stays connected to the latest news, maintaining a deep sense of involvement with the Ontario SPCA’s ongoing efforts. 

“I have a huge respect for all organizations like the Ontario SPCA that work tirelessly for all creatures who can’t speak for themselves and can be so thoughtlessly and cruelly treated by unthinking people,” says Juliet. 

Juliet’s impactful contribution 

In 2023, Juliet’s commitment soared to new heights with an extraordinary $10,000 donation. This generous contribution was made specifically for the renovations of the cat prep room at the Ontario SPCA York Region Animal Centre. 

“As I am, in particular, a cat-lover, I guess the needs of cats are my first choice,” says Juliet. 

The cat prep room, crucial for maintaining the well-being of our feline friends, received substantial improvements, courtesy of Juliet’s generous donation. These enhancements include the installation of new flooring and an industrial stainless-steel sink. The upgraded space functions as a dedicated area for team members and volunteers to wash and sanitize cat litter pans and trays, an important practice for maintaining the health of the cats and kittens at the animal centre and preventing the spread of illnesses. 

To honor Juliet’s generosity, the room proudly features a plaque that reads, “Cat Prep Room Generously Donated by: Juliet Milsome.” 

Her remarkable contribution to the cat prep room not only transformed the space for the well-being of our feline friends but also elevated her total giving to an impressive sum of over $50,000 since she began her support in 1991. 

Although Juliet’s passion for feline companions is evident, her compassion for animals extends beyond her love for cats. She says, “I was delighted to read and learn about the new Ontario SPCA Provincial Dog Rehabilitation Centre for dogs and would be happy to support that as well.”  

This facility focuses on addressing the individualized needs of dogs most difficult to adopt – dogs who need more care and support than an animal centre can provide. 

As we celebrate Juliet’s dedication and generous contributions, we extend our gratitude to her and to all those who continue to support the Ontario SPCA. Together, we can create a brighter future for countless animals in need. 

How you can help  

As a registered charity that does not receive annual government funding, we rely on the compassion and generosity of individuals like you who make it possible to provide urgently needed care and shelter for thousands of vulnerable animals each year. To make a donation to help change the lives of animals, please visit our website: 


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